Llama Trekking at Moose River Farm

Llama Trekking at Moose River Farm
Activities at MRF; Fall 2021

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dream in Shades of Summer

Good Morning,

The endless winter of 2014 is preventing the warm temperatures necessary for spring to burst out of the ground. Its bitter cold grip is inflicting a sense of starvation upon me. How I crave a glimpse of green grass, a crawling insect, or any other mere morsel of life in the Adirondacks on its way to vernal abundance. Until then I can only escape the present by closing my eyes and indulging my senses with what I hunger for the most.

Dream in Shades of Summer

I dream in shades of summer
Through the long gelid winter night
Of green and sun-kissed places
Teeming in life under solar bright

I dream in sounds of summer
Where birds sing a chorus of renew
Leaves chime in gentle breezes
Peepers chirp desire for a mate to run into
I dream in scents of summer
Green hay filling up the barn
Earthy loam, milkweed sweet
And ozone before a thunderstorm

I dream in textures of summer
Working the stiff brush I clutch
To reveal the sleek smooth coat
Of every animal I touch

I dream in flavors of summer
Vanilla ice-cream, fruit cobbler and Barbecue
Only allow such rich indulgences
When the body has much work to do

I dream of all things summer
Through bitter nights that never end
While asleep I climb up on my horse
And hit the breezy trail again

We escape the sticky heat and bugs
Follow the meandering Moose River
Visit all our favorite woodsy sites
Now buried beneath a brutal winter

And when the night is over 
The sun creeps towards the dawn
A cold hard jolt of reality 
Shoves me back where I belong

To live through yet another day 
Frozen to my very core
Until I lay me down to sleep, close my eyes and return once more...

To dream in shades of summer
Through the long gelid winter night
Of green and sun-kissed places
Teeming in life under solar bright

Ah, yes.....Summer!

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