Llama Trekking at Moose River Farm

Llama Trekking at Moose River Farm
Activities at MRF; Fall 2021

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Fantasy Farm Shopping, 2018

Good morning,
Happy New Year everybody. The Adirondacks are about to heat up after a very long brutally bitter cold stretch of sub-zero weather. These are the conditions that make me rethink why I live in an area where these temperatures are even a possibility. Tomorrow when I am basking in the glow of 15 degrees Fahrenheit above 0, I will have returned to my senses of course. Until then let me share the latest offerings from Wellington, Florida, the winter horse capital of the world. Feast your eyes on properties that have more than you need and all that you want for a carefree equestrian lifestyle. Enjoy!

$6,850,000 This is the bargain piece. 5 acres to design and plan all to your own specifications. Don't forget to include a place to hang the pitchforks, shovels and unsightly wheelbarrow out of view. 

$14,000,000 There aren't too many barn details for this one but since the mounting block is near the pool your horse will meet you there when you are ready to ride him. It's all good.

$15,000,000 This is my personal favorite. I don't see a substantial house, but I do think there is a luxury apartment somewhere in the mix. Doesn't matter because the barn details are everything I imagine for luxury horse keeping. My fitness tracker might run out of memory after a few days of cleaning stalls and riding horses here. Hopefully updates and upgrades will keep my data accurate for awhile. 

$23,000,000 I like the idea that these 50 plus acres can be subdivided so that several of us can share the horse facilities; thinking along the lines of a coop. Let me know if you want in.

$28,000,000 Just like the the next one only cheaper. Use the balance to improve the lives of those of us shivering up north. Maybe invite us to visit with our horses so we don't have to worry about finding caregivers for them while we are away. Besides, they would love a week of green grass on which to graze. We will even bring a bottle of wine or two as a house warming gift. Surely there is a wine cellar there..somewhere.

$36,000,000 This is the masterpiece. Everything and more to pamper you and your horses while the rest of us layer our clothing for months on end. The only thing you will need to do is hire a HUGE staff to maintain everything. Don't worry, it will be worth it. 

Enough of Wellington dreaming. Truth is I am perfectly happy right here in the bitter cold and blowing snow. Just when I think I have had enough and can't take anymore, there will be a hint of warmer days to come and the magic and glory of spring will soothe once more. You can't have that experience without a few months of this. I know I don't want to miss the transformation this year...or ever. Stay warm.

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